FOOD:  tacos and burritos.

COLOR:  lilac purple.

TV SHOW:  the walking dead.

MOVIE:  pretty much any stoner movie ever.

BANDS:  drugs, adtr, deftones, halestorm, eyes set to kill.

SEASON:  fall.

HOLIDAY:  halloween

facts & etc.
⋄ is the only girl and has three older brothers.

⋄ isn't close to her mother but is the apple of her fathers eye.

⋄ into the paranormal and occult, reads tarot cards and does it on occasion from her husbands shop for extra cash - donation only because it would be wrong to put a price on a true tarot reading.

⋄ enjoys working out and doing yoga and pilates.

⋄ smokes weed and occasionally does speed.

⋄ is addicted to health food snack bars.

⋄ plays piano and once thought she was going to do something with this talent.

⋄ met her now husband while they were both at a party with other people she was only 15 years old.

⋄ has a beautiful princess named [name here] who was born on [month/date/2011].

⋄ married the love of her life ryland during the spring of 2010.

full name gineva "ginny" hess zelinko
age & d.o.b. 25 & march 26, 1990
occupation stay at home mom
residence new york, new york
status married
sexuality heterosexual
Gineva Marie (Hess) Zelinko was born on March 26th, 1990 in Staten Island, New York while her father was stationed at Fort Wadsworth. She was the youngest and only girl born to Martin Hess and his first wife Annette Fielding-Hess. The two of them raised their three sons and one daughter together until 2000 when Martin filed for divorce due to irreconcilable differences. Ginny was ten years old and though she fought to be able to stay with her father the courts awarded custody of all of the under aged children to Annette due to Martins job. Annette moved the children to New York City and quickly into her new boyfriends home. This was a terrible time for Ginny because she wanted nothing more than to be with her father and Annettes new boyfriend seemed to be bothered by the mere fact that the Hess children were around and in the way. At least that was how young Ginny perceived it.

This move proved to be interesting for the development of Ginny Hess. The home that they lived in was a historical home and it was clearly haunted. Ginny had never before gave a thought about the paranormal, gifted people and the idea of the afterworld. Her first encounter with a ghost was shortly after they moved into the home. Annette and Gary, her mothers boyfriend; were told about it the very next morning but they wouldnt hear the girl out. She began doubting herself but the more she was around the home and exploring like a child does she discovered there were many ghosts and they all had their story to tell. She listened to the spirits and told them that she would help them as much as she could but that she could only do so much since she was just a little girl.

During Ginnys teen years she began developing a taste for the occult along with drinking and partying. She began dating a bad boy type by the name of Jase. He was no good for her and treated her like crap but she stayed with him because she thought she was in love. He used to drag her to all the sleazy parties that he took part in and she would end up being either slobbered all over by him or completely ignored for him to go hang out with his friends, or to hang out with other girls who he supposedly didnt mean to sleep with. But at one of those parties she attended with him and he wandered away along with his wandering eye she met a guy that chatted her up and made her feel like the most amazing woman in the world. That mans name was Ryland Zelinko. He was a year older than her and seemed to be much more experienced in life than she but they had quite a few things in common.

Ryland and Ginny began seeing each other after a few meet ups and hang out sessions. They couldnt make anything official for awhile because they were both doing their own thing but they would talk for hours on the phone and texted each other every chance they got. Every time she saw his name on her phone she lit up. She became all smiles and her friends knew that she was completely smitten by Ryland. They had their ups and downs and for a short time it seemed as if they were not going to work out but everything smoothed itself out. When she turned eighteen Ryland asked her to be his wife. She said yes and secretly planned the wedding all while thinking that he had been joking around. Seeing the sparkle of the modest ring she wore she reminded herself that it was real and he loved her with all of his heart. During the spring of 2010 Ryland and Ginny said I do. They were married in a small but tasteful outdoor ceremony surrounded by family and friends. She was absolutely a blushing bride and he was a handsome groom. Several friends and family members said it wouldnt last but they were determined and in love. Shortly after their wedding Ginny became pregnant with their little princess named (name here), the two of them welcomed her into the world on month, day, 2011. They were overjoyed and overwhelmed by the arrival of their daughter. They had never talked heavily about the idea of having children. They had simple discussions over the fact that their kids would be cute and would be completely loved but not the actual thought of becoming parents.

They reside together and are still married. Ginny is a stay at home mother for their little princess and does tarot readings for tips at the occult shop that her husband runs. Their daughter is now four years old and participates in ballet and soccer and will soon be heading into Daisy scouts. Ryland and Ginny both dote on their daughter and live a rather low key, semi drama free life together. Five years into their marriage they still have family members and friends that doubt their longevity but they dont pay attention to what they say and live their lives to the fullest.

my loves.

PB: alysha nett / WRITING: est, third person, threads, customs / CONTACT: ~gineva / CREDIT: ~valery